Transformational Coaching and the Power of Choice.

Transformational Coaching and the Power of Choice.

This human process is intense but is also incredible if we look at it from a certain point of view.

The way that we are right now is the way that we have NEEDED to be up until this very moment. Literally. There is nothing wrong with that. These internal programs have created survival habits in us that have kept us functional in the environment we were raised. Isn’t that amazing? How beautifully strong and innately intelligent we are.

Then our life path pivots or we have a big aha moment (or two or ten) that wakes us up inside! It could come from an internal struggle or an event that pushes us to say, “Hey wait, this doesn’t work for me anymore. I want a new way of being in the world.”

That is our moment of choice!

CHOICE is our superpower! It is that delicious moment when we decide to start our transformation. It is the moment when we put a wrench in the system. At first, it feels foreign and stressful. The nervous system does its protective job, sending us messages, “hey this isn’t right, there is something wrong!” That is where working with a Transformational Coach is critical because we get to explore beliefs, values, expectations, and assumptions that guide us in life because sometimes our “stuckness” is so close to us that we can’t see. We need an outside perspective to lovingly observe and reflect back on the pattern of behavior that lies just below the surface and then challenge us to lean toward our new choices.

Once our new choices are clear and strong, we can literally start leaning on them!

We choose over and over and over again! It becomes our daily practice. Choosing the new YOU…until little by little we start to see and feel transformation start to happen. We begin to live from that place.

Let’s spread our new wings and fly together.

Much love and strength,
