Hi there!
I’m Tara Jones
Breathwork Facilitator. Transformational Coach. Massage Therapist. Wizard behind Makia Rising. Intuitive Artist. Flower Child. Connection Junkie.
The heart of my work is about guiding people “home” to themselves.
I am so glad you found me.
I believe that transformation starts from a positive frame of mind that "we are not broken." The process of coming to this realization has been my life journey…
I wasn’t fully conscious of it, but losing my mother to cancer as a teenager was like losing part of myself. I had a dark hole inside myself that never felt complete. Like many of us, I learned to live with feelings of heaviness and became very good at hiding behind a smile.
For years I sought different healing modalities from therapy to becoming a devoted meditator. Each placed a path out in front of me, but the DARK feeling lingered because I was still coming from an “I am broken and need to be fixed” perspective…I just didn’t know it yet. And then, years later when my marriage crashed down around me (my one true security blanket), I finally knew my choice was choiceless. I had to bravely look in the mirror…
It was then I discovered Breathwork and Somatic Healing.
In each session, I penetrated old beliefs and stories I was telling myself. It required my breath, surrendering control, and the willingness to witness my pain. And a whole lot of bravery and curiosity to dig deep.
Every session I peeled back layers of memory and emotion, shocked at how much grief, anger, and shame was stored in my body.
Slowly, with a lot of work and support, my dark hole started filling in with LOVE and FORGIVENESS and ACCEPTANCE.
This time though, it wasn’t coming from the outside, but coming from the loving awareness inside myself that had always been there…waiting.
This made all the difference!
My perspective changed from “broken” to WHOLE. Now I have much more patience and compassion to deeply love all the cracks and bruises that I received from this crazy ride we call LIFE. And I love it all! I am no longer afraid of my darkness but have learned to embrace all shades of myself.
This is my gift that I want to share with you.
Interested in working together?
We will get to the heart of where you want to expand and grow. I am here to share my lived insights and support you along your path to self discovery.
Tara Jones is a Transformational Life Coach, Breathwork Guide, Teacher, Space Holder and Somatic Healer. She began her healing career over 23 years ago as a Massage Therapist, which led to her fascination with the mental/emotional/physical connection within the body and the healing that can happen when we consciously bring love and attention to ourselves.
Her work has guided people to look within, heal their relationship with themselves, and support them through heavy life transitions. Her group classes and private sessions have empowered her clients to connect to their innate wisdom to find the healing and the answers that already exist inside.
Our life experiences can be intense. We carry around tension, pain, fear, and outdated beliefs tucked deep in our bodies and nervous systems, and she believes it is our job to listen with compassion. By de-stigmatizing our experience, we can take shame off the table and start to care about the root cause of depression, anxiety, and patterns that keep us contracted or stuck.
“Endless Beginnings” by Tara Jones