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Come Home To Yourself: Breathwork Healing

  • Virtual Breathwork From the comfort of your home Worldwide (map)

The breath helps to support intuitive development by allowing you to soften your rational/thinking brain, giving you a direct line to your internal compass.

“The breath is the fuel to get the energy moving. Once it is doing so, it tends to peak at the moment the vibration crescendos into the same frequency of the soul. When this happens, the soul merges with the physical in the heart and you feel Universal Energy Flow in an unforgettable way. This is what most people are waiting for in their spiritual quest of healing.” -David Elliott

Breathwork is an active form of meditation and somatic healing practice. It uses a three part breath that quickly quiets the worried mind and purges the body and nervous system of emotional debris so we can be more present in our hearts. When you bring consciousness to breathing you can recenter and ground your body fast. It is an experience that feels like returning home and is exactly what we all need right now. By the end, you will feel much more centered in your body and deeply connected to your intuitive power source.

The power of breathing together in a group amplifies the sacred container of support. Virtually we can hold that space and come together worldwide. Come join a like-minded community to recharge your batteries, feel some feels, release what you don’t need and discover you are powerful, LIFE is precious and we will get through this together.

Sign up soon to reserve your spot in the circle! 3-4:30PM (EST)

Early Bird on sale until 5/25.